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SCRAM Nexus Analytics

Analyze and Enhance Program Performance Using SCRAM Nexus®

Product: SCRAM Nexus

How Emerging Software Can Generate Powerful KPIs and Analytics

Community corrections agencies gather a considerable amount of information on their clients and the services they provide, but rarely is that information cultivated to evaluate program effectiveness. With so much data, corrections departments struggle to identify and implement changes to program models.

But with SCRAM Nexus’ powerful analytics, supervisors and their officers are able to better analyze client and program information, identify program challenges, and make adjustments that increase success and effectiveness.

Evaluate Program Performance with KPIs

Because critical client and program data is often scattered across different sources—such as client files and case management systems—it is often an insurmountable task for officers to manually compile and analyze this information. Additionally, much of this data is recorded as text notes or hard-copy checklists, making it hard to incorporate into digital sources and use it to evaluate program performance.

One of the best ways to evaluate a program’s effectiveness is with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which are measurable values that help businesses determine how effectively they are meeting their goals.

Nexus aggregates information from multiple sources and creates analyzable KPIs on program performance (e.g., units of service delivered, frequency of drug testing) and client outcomes (e.g., drug test results, counseling attendance, technical violations) in an easily digestible format. With powerful and dynamic analytics, Nexus helps corrections departments easily measure KPIs and set benchmarks to better identify what needs to change to increase program performance.

Analytics for Your Entire Program

Using a four-tiered approach, Nexus includes data from previous tiers to create a high-level aggregate view of client, officer, and agency performance. This provides supervisors with the visibility needed to make informed, data-driven decisions to ultimately improve client and program outcomes.

Client Analytics

Nexus offers remarkable insight into client progress—Client Performance analytics display how a client is performing with assigned activities, like drug test results and court appointment attendance. Case Measurement analytics provide feedback on how well officers are fulfilling client contact standards, including the certainty and swiftness of assigned incentives and sanctions.

Client Performance analytics gives officers insight into how a client is performing with assigned activities, such as drug tests and court appointments.

Officer Analytics

Client analytics data is rolled up, giving officers the opportunity to see how their entire caseloads are performing. With the ability to add, remove, and reposition relevant data tiles, officers can create their own custom dashboards and have the most important data at their fingertips.

Officers can create their own custom dashboard to gain unparalleled knowledge into their entire caseloads.

Supervisor Analytics

Nexus provides supervisors with unprecedented data into how their officers are doing, including summary statistics around officer performance, adoption of policy, and their clients’ progress. Supervisors can also utilize this data to analyze challenges and training needs, prepare coaching sessions, and initiate case audits.

Supervisors can utilize this data to analyze challenges and the success of community corrections monitoring.

Agency Analytics

Agency analytics provide vital, high-level information and valuable insights by rolling up data from all other tiers to determine how the agency is performing as a whole. Agency leaders can slice data in dynamic reports by client demographics, providers, services, and more. Nexus also provides data about supervision model performance so leaders can assess which models are working and adjust them accordingly to address specific program needs.

Community correction agency leaders can slice data in dynamic reports by client typology, demographics, model, provider, service, and more.

Analytics and KPIs are powerful tools that can help increase effectiveness and success in corrections programs and ultimately enhance client outcomes and community safety. Nexus provides the data officers need to effectively identify and measure KPIs and make continuous improvements to their evidence-based programs.

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The SCRAM Systems blog provides news and updates about our suite of software and electronic monitoring products for criminal justice. Since 2003, SCRAM Systems has offered technologies that truly Make a Difference for clients and communities. Led by the success of our flagship SCRAM CAM product, SCRAM Systems delivers innovative software and technology solutions that are on the forefront of what courts, agencies, and treatment providers need.