SCRAM Systems Service Provider Webinar Series
A Judge’s Perspective: Tips and Tricks to Find Success in Your Courts
We are excited to introduce a new webinar series exclusively for SCRAM Systems Service Providers, A Judge’s Perspective: Tips and Tricks to Find Success in Your Courts. This series includes three information-packed webinars designed to help you and your staff with day-to-day operations and find new opportunities to grow your business.
In each webinar, you will hear from Judge Pinski about important topics like testifying in court, finding and using federal grant money, and using electronic monitoring in treatment courts. He will share insights from a judge’s perspective to help you and your team gain more confidence and increase success when approaching your judicial prospects and customers.
This webinar series is meant for both new Service Providers and those that have been serving courts for over a decade.
The Honorable Greg Pinski’s unique qualifications as a retired District Court Judge enable him to guide listeners through key legal standards and court rulings that impact the use of continuous alcohol monitoring in treatment courts.

The Honorable Greg Pinski (Ret.)
Montana District Court Judge
On-Demand Webinars
Approaching Judges and Testifying in Court with Confidence
Recorded On: Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Length: 1 Hour
This session covers how to communicate with judges and includes other ideas to help you with judicial outreach. You will also learn tips and techniques for providing effective testimony in court proceedings.
Finding and Using Federal Grant Money for Electronic Monitoring
Recorded On: Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Length: 1 Hour
In this session, you will hear about how to capitalize on sales opportunities with federal grant recipients. You will also learn how to identify federal grantees, types of grant programs, how to assist customers in applying for federal grants, and how grant funds can be spent on electronic monitoring.
Using Electronic Monitoring to Make an Impact in Treatment Courts
Recorded On: Thursday, March 9, 2023
Length: 1 Hour
This session covers how electronic monitoring is a critical component of treatment court best practices. You will learn about the different types of treatment courts, how they operate, and the role you can play in these customer programs.
Making a Difference for Treatment Court Clients
SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring® (SCRAM CAM®) is helping communities across the U.S. address alcohol-impaired driving and supporting treatment court clients on their road to recovery. Alcohol monitoring can be a key factor in helping these clients get and stay sober and compliant.
In fact, over 90% of high-risk drunk drivers supervised with SCRAM CAM said that their monitoring helped them stay sober because:
- It kept them accountable and compliant—they know if they drink, they will get caught
- It acts as a constant reminder to abstain from alcohol
- It provides a clear reason to resist peer pressure to drink
- It prevents drinking around random testing schedules

Additional Resources
Improve Community Safety with Electronic Monitoring and Software
Community Corrections Solutions
Using Electronic Monitoring as an Alternative to Incarceration
Prison & Jail Overcrowding Solutions
Addressing Drunk Driving and Reducing Recidivism with Technology
Drunk & Impaired Driving Monitoring Solutions
Continuous Alcohol Monitoring Research
Transdermal, Clinical & Behavioral, Field Research, and more
From the Blog
If it weren’t for SCRAM CAM, I’d be in jail and/or still drinking. It has helped keep me sober for almost a year. Lifesaver!
– SCRAM CAM Participant