With an extended set of features, SCRAM Nexus® has moved beyond an enhancement of the traditional case management system. Now SCRAM Nexus® Case, the software focuses on the outcomes of the client while ensuring supervision and compliance are being upheld. Built on evidence-based practices (EBP) and existing departmental policies, Nexus Case is a complete and interactive case management system for treatment courts, community corrections, and pretrial agencies and their clients.
Interactive Case Planning
Nexus Case provides agencies with the ability to build and manage dynamic case plans for their clients, including a spectrum of services data officers can compare, such as officer/client contact, drug testing attendance and results, and treatment session attendance. These unique and interactive plans are designed to focus on actionable officer interactions with clients.
The full-featured system streamlines client onboarding to match appropriate client reporting, activities, supervision terms, interventions, and service delivery.

Terms of Supervision
It is imperative to know what special and standard conditions are included in a client’s probation order. The Terms of Supervision feature helps simplify the process of viewing all the requirements of an order and offers this all in one place. The addition of the Max Supervision date also helps prevent officers from over-supervising their clients, which may lead to negative impacts on client outcomes.

Full Visibility into a Client’s Circle of Associates
When building a case plan to achieve a successful outcome, it is important to have the full picture of a client’s circle of associates. With Nexus Case, this insight can be achieved by building a reference between the client and their positive influencers, such as family, friends, and mentors as well as a restricted network of associates like gang members.

Document Management and Sharing
Because there are many important documents that need to be created, shared, and kept in a client’s record—such as intake forms, certificates, toxicology reports, paystubs, and more—having this information easily accessible is integral in a case management system.
Nexus Case offers the ability for officers to store, view, and share such documents within a client’s record. To streamline the process even further, clients using the SCRAM TouchPoint® mobile app can upload, store, and securely share documents with their supervising authority and those involved with the client’s case.

Program Performance and Outcome Analysis
Robust performance analytics offer objective, structured comparisons of agency policy vs. service delivery to evaluate whether initiatives have been implemented as intended. This quality assurance analysis can be viewed by risk, need, age, gender, race/ethnicity, and more. This data visibility helps weigh program effectiveness with specific populations from the start-up phases throughout the life of the supervision cycle. It also provides a deeper understanding of the time taken from case initiation to termination—positive or negative.
SCRAM Systems is committed to continually enhancing and developing SCRAM Nexus Case to support community corrections, pretrial, and problem-solving courts with client supervision and aims to help improve client success.
To learn more about the evolution of Nexus Case, contact us to schedule a demo and see firsthand how this case management system can streamline daily tasks.