SCRAM Systems is excited to announce the launch of SCRAM Nexus®. This industry-changing software brings data together to empower probation, parole, and pretrial agencies to effectively implement policy and evidence-based practices for every client—simply, efficiently, and consistently.
As a leader in electronic monitoring technology, we have leveraged our experience working with agencies, paired with guidance from experts in the evidence-based practice field, to build the first-ever decision-support system that meets the challenges and needs of community corrections.
“Parole and probation departments play a vital role in public safety, yet they lack the tools needed to maximize client success. Nexus fills a substantial gap by giving departments the ability to answer their most essential questions: Is what we are doing working? Who is it working for? What steps can we take to improve outcomes and better help clients?”
— Mike Iiams, SCRAM Systems CEO
Effective Supervision Plans and Automated Referrals
SCRAM Nexus intelligently reviews and filters client profiles and offense characteristics and recommends the most effective supervision plan. SCRAM Nexus then facilitates automated client referrals to treatment and other service providers, connecting officers and providers to allow them to take action and report data in real-time.
For example, when a client attends a treatment meeting, the provider can record their attendance and make comments in the secure treatment portal. Nexus then automatically notifies the officer when that information is submitted and prompts a positive response to the client.
SCRAM Nexus also integrates with SCRAM TouchPoint®—our client-facing mobile app—to automate service provider appointment reminders to the client, significantly improving retention, attendance, and outcomes.

Unprecedented EBP Decision Support
SCRAM Nexus knows what clients are supposed to accomplish throughout their entire supervision journey by collecting client-level data like appointment attendance, clinical progress, drug test results, and more. Nexus continuously takes that data, analyzes it, and scores a client’s engagement and progress in real-time, surfacing any actionable items so the officer can respond with interventions, incentives, or immediate sanctions.
And because SCRAM Nexus aligns with current agency policy and over 80 years of behavioral science, it recommends the appropriate range of response to each client’s behavior at the right time.

Analytics Drive Constant Improvement
SCRAM Nexus also has a robust set of interactive analytics and visualization tools, allowing everyone from officers to administrators to have visibility into client, caseload, and program data. With the ability to see behind the closed doors of community corrections, agencies can answer sophisticated, layered questions about efficacy that have been out of reach until now.

With one in 55 U.S. adults under community supervision, SCRAM Nexus is needed to help guide officers to make evidence-based client engagement possible, promoting progress, and increase successful client outcomes. See first-hand how this revolutionary software works and schedule a demo for your community corrections agency today.