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Improve Client Communication with Secure, Text-Like Messaging

Text messaging is the most used method of communication among smartphone users younger than 50—in fact, 97% of users text at least once a day. Additionally, 82% of text messages are read within five minutes, but smartphone users only open one in four emails they receive. What if community corrections departments could leverage this increasingly popular method of communication in their daily client interactions?

With the SCRAM TouchPoint® mobile app, officers can enhance client engagement by harnessing the ease and popularity of text messaging.

Facilitate Client Engagement with Real-Time Messaging

Through secure, text-like messaging, the TouchPoint app provides a modern way for officers to communicate with their clients. Instead of spending valuable time tracking down client phone numbers and making calls, with just a few clicks officers can instantly send messages to their clients via the TouchPoint Officer Dashboard. Smartphone users send and receive five times more texts than phone calls, so clients are more likely to see and respond to text messages than follow up with an officer voicemail. The more clients are engaged with their supervision requirements, the more likely they are to succeed.

TouchPoint’s messaging feature also provides an audit trail of correspondence between officer and client. Message transcripts are always saved, and shared messaging permissions and printing capabilities make it easy for officers to manage communication history. And, read receipts for every message let officers know when clients open and view messages, so important communications don’t fall through the cracks.

Resource Savings

  • Saves officers over four hours per week by eliminating the “phone call cycle” (3-5 minutes per call/voicemail x 50 calls per week)
  • Decreases time-consuming activities such as “phone tag” and unanswered voicemails triggering more calls and messages
  • Increases client compliance through a modern and familiar method of communication

Mass Messaging to Clients with Text-to-All

In addition to TouchPoint’s messaging feature, the mobile app also provides officers a way to simultaneously message all or a portion of their caseload. With Text-to-All, officers can send important announcements or information to their entire caseload, instead of individually contacting each client to relay the message.

Resource Savings

  • Saves officer time by streamlining mass communication to hundreds of clients
  • Increases client success by keeping clients in close and constant communication with their officer

With instant, text-like messaging and mass messaging, the SCRAM TouchPoint mobile app can revolutionize the way officers engage with their clients, all while saving valuable time and resources.

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The SCRAM Systems blog provides news and updates about our suite of software and electronic monitoring products for criminal justice. Since 2003, SCRAM Systems has offered technologies that truly Make a Difference for clients and communities. Led by the success of our flagship SCRAM CAM product, SCRAM Systems delivers innovative software and technology solutions that are on the forefront of what courts, agencies, and treatment providers need.