Pretrial, probation, and parole solutions that make a difference.
Stop by our booth!
We are excited to see you at the APPA 48th Annual Training Institute in New York City! Come say hello to the SCRAM Systems team at Booth #216 in the Corporate Village, enter to win a $200 Amazon gift card, and learn how we can support your team to help clients succeed.
SCRAM Systems aims to change lives, reunite families, and make communities safer through advanced technology and world-class service. We provide solutions that enable better decision making—breaking the cycle of addiction and helping community corrections guide their clients on the road to recovery.

Visit the LifeSafer team!
Don’t forget to stop by Booth #117 to enter to win a $200 Amazon gift card and ask our ignition interlock experts questions about our device, our process, and our partner benefits. Learn why LifeSafer is a top-rated ignition interlock device in 45 states. Our IID team is here to help your clients navigate the process as quickly as possible.
LifeSafer is committed to your clients and can help them save time and money on their ignition interlock device requirements.
Add This Featured APPA Session to Your Schedule
How Criminal Justice Reform Has Shaped Electronic Monitoring
Monday, August 28, 2023 | 2:00 – 3:30 PM EST
Room: Winter Garden/Palace, 6th Floor
The probation and parole legislative landscape is in a constant state of change. This session will cover the available electronic monitoring technologies and how they can be utilized properly through a collaborative partnership between agencies and vendors.
Get a closer look into both the capabilities and limitations of location and alcohol monitoring technologies and how they can have a key role in legislation, such as Pretrial SB-129 in California and the Tiffany Hill Act Victim Notification Bill in Washington.
Join us for this informative session and learn:
- Pros and cons of the four major EM categories (GPS, RF, transdermal, breath alcohol)
- Technical reasons why each monitoring system is ideal for each client
- How to design, maintain, and enhance a successful and growing EM program with your vendors

A Full Spectrum of Client Monitoring and Software
Alcohol Monitoring | Ignition Interlock | GPS Monitoring | Victim Notification | EBP Implementation Software | Client Engagement

Partner with us to achieve your goals.
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