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The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has announced that funding is available for jurisdictions that want to implement or enhance a Swift, Certain, and Fair Sanctions (SCF) program model.

The grants will support programs that aim to replicate the success of the Hawaii HOPE program, which focuses on swift and certain sanctions to change the behavior of drug-involved offenders and other high-risk probationers. Hawaii’s HOPE program was one of the first successful large-scale implementations of swift-and-certain sanctions.

SCF approaches are intended to:

  • Improve supervision strategies that reduce recidivism
  • Promote and increase collaboration among agencies and officials who work in community corrections and related fields to enhance swift and certain sanctions
  • Enhance the offenders’ perception that the supervision decisions are fair, consistently applied, and consequences are transparent
  • Improve the outcomes of individuals participating in these initiatives

This program is funded under the Project HOPE appropriation (P.L. 113-235). There will be multiple awards available of up to $400,000 each. Applicants are limited to states, units of local government, territories, and federally recognized Indian tribes (as determined by the Secretary of the Interior). The deadline is Monday, March 9, 2015.

View the full grant call and requirements.

Sobering Up Administrator

Sobering Up Administrator

Sobering Up: A blog about drunk driving, alcohol addiction, and criminal justice, is anything but a corporate blog. Sobering Up is an opportunity for anyone interested or involved in the issues of drunk driving, alcohol-fueled crime, alcohol dependence and addiction, and the justice system to participate in the conversation.

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