Sobering Up Administrator

Sobering Up Administrator

Sobering Up: A blog about drunk driving, alcohol addiction, and criminal justice, is anything but a corporate blog. Sobering Up is an opportunity for anyone interested or involved in the issues of drunk driving, alcohol-fueled crime, alcohol dependence and addiction, and the justice system to participate in the conversation.

Senate Adds 24-7 Sobriety Programs as an Impaired Driving Countermeasure

Senate Bill 1813 titled “Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21)”, a two-year, $109 billion plan, was...


California’s AB109: Managing the impact at the county level

The San Bernardino County Sun ran an article today, "Local police feel weight of early prisoner release." The...


Detroit Morning Radio Talks St. Patty’s Day Drinking

Our own Jason O’Tizedes stopped by Detroit’s #1 morning radio show today to talk about St. Patrick’s Day,...


Illinois Joins Trend of Mandatory Abstinence for DUI Offenders

Illinois lawmaker Randy Ramey (R) has authored a new DUI bill, HB5214. The intent of the new law...


St. Patrick’s Day American Style: Why Do We Drink So Much?

St. Patrick’s Day and green beer. While shamrocks, bagpipes, and corned beef all take center stage during the...

Choose Your Ride: Great DUI Campaign in Santa Rosa County, FL

Santa Rosa County, FL Sheriff's Dept Campaign We'd like to take a minute to acknoweldge a great DUI...

To Drink or Not to Drink: Which is Actually More Important?

If you’re driving, the answer is obvious. But if you’re a court, or a probation officer, a lawmaker,...


First-Time DUI Interlock Laws Reducing Recidivism

A study published this week by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety looks at the long-term impact of...


Navy, Marines to Require Alcohol Testing

According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, both the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corp are...


Canada Lowers the Legal Limit: Will It Make Roads Safer From Drunk Drivers?

This week, media have been reporting on the growing controversy over a new drunk driving law in Canada. The...